The Telangana State Police introduce an automated Online Police Verification Certificate(PVC) and Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) called the “i-Verify” facility. The Central and State government offices, Public Sector Undertakings, and defense establishments, which appoint private employees or private employees appointed by these agencies with their referral letters can get PVC.
The Client has a current system manually, they do the verification manually and it takes many days to complete the process and it is difficult to maintain the records.
We help out with i-verify designs based on AI technology with Face recognition and Data recognition with a fully automated system.
Forwarding application to respective Police Unit based on district given in applications
Automated Police Verification & Police Clearance Certificate System
Digital Certificate for clear and adverse applicant
Online payment integrated with various bank
View and download applicant full details and documents
Automated Face Recognition and Data recognition
Generate a more engaged audience
Page interface keeps audience engaged
and improves customer loyalty.
Improve conversion rates
Potential customers have greater chances
of conversion.
Boost brand loyalty
Create a better impression
about your brand.
Build a strong brand identity
Develop a unique identity for your business with
an incredible UI/UX.